Hi! I´m glad that you are visiting the blog. You are also invited to participate on this project. If you are a foreign person in this country and/or in this continent, you are a very special person in many sences. You have a different legal status and based on it you have restricted rights. Surely your perception of things is different and mostly also your cultural background. I´m documenting stories (experiences, dialogues, problems,absurd misunderstandings, etc..) which narrate "critical incidents" in our lifes under the name of "foreign person" = "Ausländer_in". I´d like to make an comic-interview with you. It wont hurt, I wont record your voice, or your real name if you don´t want it- I´ll just draw. And at the very end of the project there will be a comic-book.
Do you want to take part on give form to a collective picture?so contact me: blauxistar@yahoo.com.ar